Wednesday 16 March 2016


There are a thousand and one possibilities to why on earth would a guy dump or break up with a girl after some time together. While there may be reasons to believe that the fault may be from both side, let us however consider what the lady may have done to "kill" the relationship.
Click Here to see why a girl would break up with a guy

Top Reasons why a guy breaks up with a girl

Click Here to See Things You Should Never Discuss After the Break Up 1.      Over-dependent: A responsible guy needs a good manager to take care of some aspect of his life while he focuses on getting things done. Any girl that is so used to receiving without contributing especially ideas would be pretty dump after some time sleeping together. Some girls even get it wrong that the only thing they can offer in return is their body and some domestic work. Money for this and money for that, my dear, it is a relationship not a Poverty Alleviation Program.
2.      Not saying something nice: This is pretty obvious in a long term relationship where the lady is pretty so used to the guy and saying loving words or appreciating some efforts seems irrelevant. Before you know it, some girl outside is making him feel like a hero. Men are egoistic creatures and appreciating some romantic gestures should never go out of fashion, it fire up their ego to do more. Some girl make the mistake of thinking that saying these word would make it feel like she is over-loving him and she had been wrongly advised “never to show a man that her love is bigger than his love”
3.      Over-possession and Insecurity: Checking his phones, being paranoid as to where he is and cutting off his relationship with his friends often time backfire and no man would like to be in a prison sentence for love. Freedom and trust is the risk you take in a good relationship
4.      Boring: many girls would quickly tag a guy boring whereas they as even more boring. Holding a conversation is a key to building a good relationship. A girl whose replies are mostly one words (k, y, nope, ya etc) is considered only good for mating. Guys remember conversations more than intimacy so develop your communication skills.
5.      Staying in your Past: When a lady spends most of her waking hours comparing her present relationship with the past, things get muddled up. Also, a girl show be mindful of the things about her past relationship that she tells to her guy, the truth is most times bitter and better thrown away no matter how he pushed you. Never discuss your past intimacy with a guy; it draws up images in the guy’s mind that may never be wiped off.
6.      Listening more to your friends: When you let your girlfriends (especially the single ones) run your relationship for you, then you are asking for trouble. Only you know where the shoe pinched and you should have good communication with your partner to sort out issues before presenting it to the girls’ panel of judges.
7.      Being over feminist: Yeah, guys love ladies who can stand up and speak up but not in the bed room. Most guys still believe in the sole headship of the “family” or relationship (in this case) and having a lady around who is competing for authority is a big turn off. On the other hand, being over-submissive is equally as damaging and will get you dump faster than you thought.



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