Wednesday 16 March 2016

How to know if a guy is addicted to indecent sites

It is now very easy to know if a guy is a frequent visitor to the x-rated sites. With results gotten from a well-researched study coordinated by Dainty of it was found out that guy’s phone can leave clues of where he went no matter how careful he is to destroy the traces.
Clearing your browser cache and history will not help you in this one.
If he is using the SWIFT keyboard app on his phone, it is much better cos the auto correct and prediction features would find him out.
Type in these words on the phone and watch what word would be suggest for you to complete, if the correct prediction is above 5/10, know that he is an addict:
Here we go
First check these names. Just type in the first word
Tori (suggested word - Black)
Lisa (suggested word - Ann)
Afro (suggested word - Candy) add the rest abeg I no know dem lolz
Also check these phrases
Black (suggested word - Teens)
Exploited (suggested word - Black)
Barely (suggested word - legal)
Big (suggested word - Booty)
Amateur (suggested word – xxx or teen)
Latino (suggested word - girl)
1 (suggested word - 18)
Mum (suggested word – I like)
For those with the habit of deleting messages, remember this 



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